Monday, April 27, 2009

Every Ending Marks A New Beginning.

Wow, it've rlly been awhile. And nope, im not emo. On the contrary, things have finally calmed down a little in my life. The fact that i like my blog being all emo keeps me from blogging. Yeah i know, pretty sick. haha. or maybe im just used to being emo that i actually forgot how being not emo feels like.

Anyhow, what did I do while I was away? Hanging out with the lovely bffs, occasional partying and oh ya WORKING. Got a part time job at wellness infinity. Initially was just a counter job but later on they wanted a full timer for admin and marketing, so i wonder why not? Its a really good stepping stone for me and im actually looking forward to start training this coming may=))

Sunday, April 5, 2009


WOW it's APRIL! I will have new updates back up soon, i promise! The weather is quite beautiful, i'm just glad that i've ALMOST recover from my cold.

Gonna go tomb sweeping now! CIAO!