I've always believed in equivalent trade. For example, im nice to you so theoretically u shld be nice to me too. i did smth for you, so i shld at least get back a thank you in return. Yeap, smth like that.
But as i go into the working society, i started realizing that things are not like that. People donte necessary do that kind of thing anymore. What they care about is well, u do smth for them, they benefit from you and thats it.
So anyway, i was about to give up this "equivalent trade" idea when someone at my work place actually gave me a box of donuts. He and his wife cant stop thanking me and kept telling me that i've been of a great help to them. Its really not the donut( not exactly a fan of it), its the sincerity i see in their eyes when they say the thank you.
Hope it make sense.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
2 more days of mc.
Yeap, the first doc did no shit to me at all. my fever was still here last night thus i decided to visit another doc. and the second doc merely shook his head when i showed him the medication that the first doc prescripted me. guess that says it all?
the first doc screwed up. DAMN.
Yeap, the first doc did no shit to me at all. my fever was still here last night thus i decided to visit another doc. and the second doc merely shook his head when i showed him the medication that the first doc prescripted me. guess that says it all?
the first doc screwed up. DAMN.
Monday, August 17, 2009
First it was my wisdom tooth. Followed by a really bad headache and the last couple of days I've had a high fever. Could take it no more, i visited the doc.
As usual, its the same old thing was repeated. Sensitive nose thus more prone to some kinda infection bla bla bla... And despite so many drugs prescripted, the bill actually came out pretty decent!
Due to unneccersary spendings( medical, LOTS OF CLOTHES, LOTS OF COSMETICS) i had for the past 3 months, Im now on a self imposed 2 weeks shopping ban. Not broke, but trying to get my finances in shape. Got to start planning!
Watched a couple of Nicholas spark's movies. Boy could he write! I've watched "the notebook" and "a walk to remember" like a million times(yes its a million and one now) and i still cry every single time! And i was certain that there will not be another movie that work it like they does . BUT I WAS SOOOOO DAMN WRONG. "Nights in Rodanthe", also by Nicholas sparks, another serious tear jerker. My tears were literally flowing.
Rumor has it that another tear jerker by Nicholas sparks will be realeased in February 2010. i cant wait=))
As usual, its the same old thing was repeated. Sensitive nose thus more prone to some kinda infection bla bla bla... And despite so many drugs prescripted, the bill actually came out pretty decent!
Due to unneccersary spendings( medical, LOTS OF CLOTHES, LOTS OF COSMETICS) i had for the past 3 months, Im now on a self imposed 2 weeks shopping ban. Not broke, but trying to get my finances in shape. Got to start planning!
Watched a couple of Nicholas spark's movies. Boy could he write! I've watched "the notebook" and "a walk to remember" like a million times(yes its a million and one now) and i still cry every single time! And i was certain that there will not be another movie that work it like they does . BUT I WAS SOOOOO DAMN WRONG. "Nights in Rodanthe", also by Nicholas sparks, another serious tear jerker. My tears were literally flowing.
Rumor has it that another tear jerker by Nicholas sparks will be realeased in February 2010. i cant wait=))
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Bad day.
1.) 2 hours of sleep prior to my bad day.
2.) toothache and a sore throat aint exactly the best combi.
3.) top up my ez link card. 50 bucks .
4.) board the bus.
5.) realized that i didnt have my ez link card in my wallet.
6.) pressed the bell, alighted the bus, looking like an idiot.
7.) ran all the way back to e atm machine.
8.) ez link card was no where to be found.
9.) called transit, and they couldnt do anything bout it.
10.) so long, my 50bucks ez link.
2.) toothache and a sore throat aint exactly the best combi.
3.) top up my ez link card. 50 bucks .
4.) board the bus.
5.) realized that i didnt have my ez link card in my wallet.
6.) pressed the bell, alighted the bus, looking like an idiot.
7.) ran all the way back to e atm machine.
8.) ez link card was no where to be found.
9.) called transit, and they couldnt do anything bout it.
10.) so long, my 50bucks ez link.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Its a tanning booth!
After i started working, i have been too busy to even to go to the beach, i had rather get more sleep on my off day than go to the beach. hehe. thus tanning booth is my only solution to get my tan. 10 mins, all in the comfort of my own little room. nude or bikini, my choice. Skin cancer? i donte really care. As long as i got my indoor lotion on, im good. cancer or no cancer, its really up to the man up there to decide. Unfortunately, indoor tanning is pretty expensive and i guess thats the only downside.
Haven't felt too well the last couple weeks thus lack of update. Slept from 6pm(ystd) to 6am(today). shiok. haven had tt much sleep in like forever. Had dinner with kaz, jon and bro at house@dempsey. A casual with a twist of fine dinning concept restaurant. not too shabby, not too over the top.
These are only a quarter of what we've order. The rest was gobbled up before photos were taken or rather, the guys were laughing at how we girls kept taking pic so kaz and i gotta control a little. TSK, the guys just wont get it. hehe.
And once again. Im broke. 30 bucks to last till 10th. Good Game.(Taught by kaz)
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