Thursday, October 22, 2009

My day

You know, i have this habit of being SUPER emo on my birthday. But amazingly, i wasnt that emo this yr. still feel abit of sadness, but not as much as before. Thats a good thing right?

So anyway! On my birthday, the company bought me a ice cream cake and of cos sang me the wellness infinity bdae song=) i haven had someone singing me bdae song for a rlly long time, the last time was say 4 yrs ago? Afterwhich, the managers decided to bring me to carousel@Royal Plaza Hotel. I love my colleagues, managers and basically the whole company=)

Then it was the weekend celebration with wendy babe and rayner. Nice catching up with them. They are like the friends whom i might not meet often, yet i know that they will always be there type of friend. Precious much? LOL.

Sunday was deepavali celebration at auntie sarah's house. awesome indian food and cookies! And did i mention that it is my first deepavali celebration?

Was greeted by a really sweet msg, totally brighten my day=)

*rlly lazy to upload photos. shall do so when i feel more like it. HAHA!


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